Results of Internet-competition of essays, dedicated to the International Women's day

On March 3, 2017, the center of the Multilingualism of KSPI summed up the results of the Internet competition of compositions devoted to the International Women's Day on March 8. More than 90 school students and students of colleges and higher education institutions from all Kostanay region participated in the competition. The most active part was taken: Kostanay Building College, Schools #3 and 4 of Lisakovsk, Sarykol College of agribusiness and right, school #2 of Fedorovka district, the gymnasium of S. Maulenov. The age of participants of the competition varied from 7 to 19 years. The presented works differed in a stylistic, substantial, language and creative variety. All of them are impregnated with huge love and gratitude to the mothers. The lines from some compositions:

«Ана» үш әріптен құралған киелі де қастерлі сөз. Әркімнің анасы бар. Сол аналарды құрмет тұтып, қастерлеу біздің борышымыз... Біздерді басқа балалардан кем болмасын деп алдымызға барын тосады.... Оны барынша құрметтеп, сыйлау әрбір баланың парызы» - Голова Ольга, ученица 9 «Б» Наурзумской средней школы.

«К  сожалению,  мы  очень  часто  делаем  больно  своей  маме….  Своим равнодушием, своей занятостью, своими амбициями, просто своим скверным характером. Но, как сказал французский классик,  «Сердце  матери – это  бездна,  в  глубине    которой  всегда   найдется  прощение…Особые любовь и чувства к маме остаются у человека на всю жизнь. В самые трудные периоды своей жизни человек всегда вспоминает маму, ее добрые руки, улыбку, глаза. Но у взрослых - это уже воспоминание. В этом воспоминании – вся человеческая боль и грусть» - E. Chemurziyeva.

«Some people say “angels aren’t existing”. But I think it is not true, because we see them every day. Our mothers are our angels without wings! » - A. Momyntay

Following the results of the Internet competition of the essays, prize-winning places were distributed as follows:

Among pupils of schools:

  • 1 place – Nurtayeva Laura (Gymnasium Maulenov)
  • 2nd place – Medvedko Valery (Physical and mathematical lyceum), Chemurziyeva Elizabeth (High school No. 1 of Dimitrov)
  • 3rd place – Nazarova Anastasia and Nazarov Dmitry (School – lyceum No. 2, Kostanay), Zhangelda Nazgul (The Jambyl high school, from Karamenda)

Among pupils of universities:

  • 1 place – Seylkhanova Gulmira (Kostanay polytechnical college)
  • 2nd place – Sharkayeva Olga (Kostanay building college)
  • 3rd place – Karpenko Dmitry (Kostanay building college)

Among students of higher education institutions:

  • 1 place – Vasilchenko Anastasia (KSPI)
  • 2nd place – Mussagazina Madina (KSPI)



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