May 21-22 2020 on the basis of Kyzylorda state University Korkyt ATA online platform ZООМ was held Republican subject Olympiad XII educational programs 6В01202 - "Preschool training and education". The purpose and objectives of Olympics: stimulating educational and research work of students; creating conditions for self-realization and self-improvement, self-awareness, professional and personal potential of students; education of students' civil position; selection and support of competitive, innovative, educated, talented students who know the world educational process.
From April 20 to 24, 2020, as part of the week of the Department of psychology and defectology among students of the specialties "Pedagogy and psychology", "Psychology", "Defectology" under the guidance of senior teachers Akhmetbekova Z. D. and Kairova B. K., an online video contest was held on the theme "Patriotism in the value system of modern youth in the implementation of the national idea "Mangilik El"!". The main goals and objectives of the competition are to support and develop the creative abilities of young people; to stimulate professional self-knowledge, expand horizons and form patriotism through practical activities; to create a favorable environment for the internal spiritual development and implementation of active creative, life and civic position of young people; to form new value orientations in the implementation of the national idea "Mangilik El".
This is possible in close cooperation between the University and employers. An active dialogue in the form of an online round table was held at the Department of psychology and defectology within the framework of the methodological week. The topic of the online round table is "Current issues in the formation of a model of a modern graduate of a University of psychological and pedagogical direction". Today, this topic is very important for the higher education system in the context of the autonomy of higher education institutions and increasing competition between them, and when choosing ways to respond to rapidly developing events in the world.
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are becoming more and more pervasive in various areas of educational activity every day. This is facilitated by external factors related to the widespread Informatization of society and the need for appropriate training of specialists, as well as internal factors related to the spread of modern computer equipment and software in educational institutions. The main role in the implementation of Informatization of education belongs to the teacher.
In the period from January to March 2020, students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Defectology educational program had practical training in the regional schools: Kostanay, Rudny, Zhitikara and Lisakovsk. During the practice, students of our university showed activity, organization, discipline, initiative, and also showed the ability to work with children. Students conducted class hours and extracurricular activities on their own. As a result of the practice, students gained extensive experience in educational institutions, experience in organizing the educational process.
On March 13, 2020, the award ceremony for the best young scientists among the CIS countries was held in Nur-Sultan, in the house of ministries. Contestant Satybaldina Raushan Alimzhanovna, the master of pedagogical Sciences, teacher of Department of psychology and defectology was awarded «Young scientist-2020» from the hands of famous people of Kazakhstan, a diploma and a collection of «Best young scientist – 2020» with the personal autograph of the author of the coat of arms Zhandarbek Malibekov.
Under the guidance of a teacher of the department of psychology and defectology, master of pedagogical sciences Satybaldina R.A. students of the department annually participate in republican olympiads and take prizes. This year was no exception for students of the Defectology educational program. 2nd year student Niyazbek B. B. took first place in the national remote competition «Planet of knowledge», received the diploma of I degree in the Republic distance pedagogical Olympiad «My vocation – teacher» in the nomination «Mini-tale» work «Secret mission».
On March 06, 2020, at the Department of psychology and defectology of Kostanay state pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin, a methodological seminar was held on the topic: «Joint development of the OP «6B01901 Special pedagog»». The purpose of the methodological seminar: exchange of experience, activation of joint activities of all interested participants in the pedagogical process (students, employers, stakeholders) under the Educational program «6B01901 Special pedagogy» to improve the quality of education, training a competitive graduate in demand in the field of special and inclusive education.
On February 28, 2020, at the faculty of pedagogy and psychology of the Umirzak Sultangazin Kostanay state pedagogical University, a competition "intra-University selection stage of the XI subject Olympiad" was held among students of 2-3 courses of the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing", organized by the master of pedagogical Sciences Sultanbekova Zhadira Khamitbekovna. 5 teams participated in the competition. The competition was divided into the following stages: creative competition "status of a modern educator", Presentation of the teams themselves, competition of the creative project "Horizon of professional skill of the educator - model 4K", dramatization of fairy tales "journey into the world of fairy tales", theoretical competition "Жүзден жүйрік" tests.
On February 28, 2020, at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, a round table discussion “A person can know the world, his essence through his feelings and mind”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Abu Nasyr al-Farabi, was held. The purpose of the round table is to explore the life and work of Al-Farabi, to focus youth on the spiritual and scientific heritage of the thinkers of the past of our state, in order to promote motivation to work honestly in our native country, to study and transmit our spiritual wealth from generation to generation.