XII Republican subject Olympiad in remote educational program "Preschool training and education"
- Details
- Published: 22 May 2020

May 21-22 2020 on the basis of Kyzylorda state University Korkyt ATA online platform ZООМ was held Republican subject Olympiad XII educational programs 6В01202 - "Preschool training and education"
The purpose and objectives of Olympics:
- stimulating educational and research work of students;
- creating conditions for self-realization and self-improvement, self-awareness, professional and personal potential of students;
- education of students ' civil position;
- selection and support of the most talented and gifted students;
- selection and support of competitive, innovative, educated, talented students who know the world educational process.
The Olympiad consisted of 4 rounds:
- the Creative contest "Image of a modern educator" is the team's business card. - 5 minutes.
- Essay contest on the theme "Design education in the twenty-first century»
- Competition of projects "Model 4K-horizon of professional skill of the educator".
- competition of panoramic lessons "Developed personality in intellectual, social and emotional terms-the key to a successful future".
15 teams took part in the Republican subject Olympiad. Team Kostanay gosudarstvennnogo University named after U. Sultangazin was presented by the students of the 3rd course of the specialty "Preschool training and education", psycho-pedagogical faculty of the Department "Preschool and primary education" Zhumanova Aijamal Asylbekovna, casino Asel kayratovna, Utegenova Arailym Erbolovna, 2 course Miras Gulim Sarsenovna and the teacher of chair of preschool and primary education named Sultanbekova Zhadyra Habitacon.
According to the results of the Olympiad, the team of KSPU named afterSultangazina was awarded in the category "Best creative project" on the theme "Horizons of professional skill of a teacher-4K model.