The student research project "Karliash - School of Adaptation and Socialization of Children" is realized at the Department of Pedagogy as an interactive platform for providing assistance from students for orphans, children left without parental care, and children from low-income families. The head of the project is Teacher of the Chair of Pedagogy, Master of Humanities Bekenova Asiya Kykpaevna. N.A. Nazarbayev in his programmatic article "Ruhani zhangyru" emphasizes: "The peculiarity of tomorrow is that it is the competitiveness of a person, and not the availability of mineral resources, that becomes a factor in the success of a nation."
Senior teachers of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Shevchenko G.V. and Kushmurzinа D.H. Within the framework of the planned scientific and methodological theme "Subject integration in the conditions of multilingualism in the modern educational space" in 2017-2018 academic year, a number of activities were carried out to train future specialists in accordance with the state policy of multilingualism and the program of spiritual modernization of society.
In conditions of socio-cultural disintegration of preserving the national and cultural identity of various nations and ethnic groups doesn't contradict the idea of creating an integral ethnotolerant cultural space of Kazakhstan and is part of the national policy of the Republic. In the article "Prospection: modernization of public consciousness" the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev has stressed: “Our national traditions and customs, language and music, literature and wedding ceremonies – in a word, the national spirit – must remain with us forever.
In order to popularize the teaching profession among the students, increase interest in teaching activities, identify and support talented students motivated to initially become a teacher, an essay contest "Teacher: Touching the Profession" among students of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held. The contest was organized by the I.Altynsarin center at the Department of Pedagogy of KSPI. The competition was aimed at the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the state program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, the program "Тұғанжер", the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution".
In order to popularize the teaching profession, increase interest in teaching activities, identify and support talented school graduates motivated to initially become a teacher, an essay competition "Teacher: Touching the Profession" was held among pupils of grades 8-11 of the regional schools.The contest was organized by the I.Altynsarin Center at the department of pedagogy in conjunction with the RSPC Kostanay Daryna of the education department of the akimat of Kostanay oblast. The competition was aimed at the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the State Program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, the program "Тұған жер", the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution".
The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on 5 March 2018, speaking at joint session of chambers of Parliament, appealed to the people of Kazakhstan on new social initiatives. Teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology, discussing scale social projects of the President, have noted the importance of new social initiatives which have been directed on the further improvement of well-being of everyone Kazakhstan citizen. Special interest was caused the third initiative: "Increase of availability and quality of higher education and improvement of conditions of residing of student's youth".
March 5, 2018 at the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty held a photo exhibition of posters dedicated to the International Day of March 8. Students of the specialties "Defectology, Pedagogy and Psychology", "Preschool Education and Upbringing", "Pedagogy and Methods of Elementary Education" presented over 24 works. The purpose of this event is to enhance and support the prestige, status of grandmother, mother, woman in the social environment, development and promotion of family traditions and values, and the formation and strengthening of the family institution.
March 3, 2018 in accordance with the current plan of the Education Department of Akimat of the city of Kostanay and the city center for work with gifted children "Daryn" and the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, a city complex Olympiad for students of grades 2-4 was held. The objectives of the Olympiad were: the awakening and development of students's ustainable interest in educational subjects, the expansion and deepening of knowledge of the native language, mathematics, knowledge of the world, the development of younger students' cognitive abilities, ability to think independently and creatively.
March 2, 2018 at the psychological and pedagogical faculty of gratitude under the leadership of Alipbaeva G.A. and Salamatova A.B. a themed evening dedicated to the Day of Gratitude in the Republic of Kazakhstan was held. The event was attended by teachers and students of the faculty. The main goal of the event is to tell about the Day of Thanks to the Republic of Kazakhstan, on strengthening and preserving the development of the unity of the multinational Kazakhstan on the basis of the common history, the memory of the joint difficulties experienced through the support of the Kazakhs and all ethnic groups to each other.
On March 1, 2018 the department of pedagogic of the psychologist - pedagogical faculty has carried out a charity event "by Nurly Zhol - the Way of the Independent country!» devoted to Day of Gratitude. Rumple and be proud of the history - it is one of the main messages of a holiday. The purpose of Day of gratitude – education at student's youth of feeling of tolerance, friendliness and respect of each other and also strengthening of interethnic consent and international bonds in Kazakhstan. Letters of gratitude and appreciation were received by all participants of the action.