Let's create well!

On March 1, 2018 the department of pedagogic of the psychologist - pedagogical faculty has carried out a charity event "by Nurly Zhol - the Way of the Independent country!» devoted to Day of Gratitude.

Rumple and be proud of the history - it is one of the main messages of a holiday. The purpose of Day of gratitude – education at student's youth of feeling of tolerance, friendliness and respect of each other and also strengthening of interethnic consent and international bonds in Kazakhstan.

Letters of gratitude and appreciation were received by all participants of the action. The charitable fair on "Nurly Zhol - the Way of the independent country is organized!» During the fair there was a charitable sale of production made own hands of students and teachers. The raised money is sent to Regional orphanage of Kostanay. We are grateful to the teachers and students who have participated in this action! This day became a bright holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstan citizens to each other!








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