Language-based integrated education in primary school
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- Published: 19 March 2018

Senior teachers of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Shevchenko G.V. and Kushmurzinа D.H. Within the framework of the planned scientific and methodological theme "Subject integration in the conditions of multilingualism in the modern educational space" in 2017-2018 academic year, a number of activities were carried out to train future specialists in accordance with the state policy of multilingualism and the program of spiritual modernization of society.
On March 19, 2018, for the purpose of language-based integrated education in the primary school, SaidalinaAinurSainovna, student 4 courses of the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education", conducted an open lesson on "Verb. Етістік. Verb. "In the 2nd" A "class of the State Institution" School-gymnasium No. 24 of the Education Department of the Akimat of the City of Kostanay "together with the teachers of the Russian language Nurkina Tamara Chayzatovna and the English language TulebaevaZhansaiaShaykhyzyzy.
The open lesson was held in three languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
The lesson used a comparison technique: morphological signs of the verb of Kazakh, Russian and English are compared.
During the lesson, the following methods and forms of work were used:
- didactic game «Pantomime» – in three languages;
- solving puzzles;
- didactic game «Find the extra»– in Russian;
- reading poems and finding verbs in it–in three languages;
- physical minute using ICT – in English.