Teacher: touching the profession through the eyes of students

In order to popularize the teaching profession, increase interest in teaching activities, identify and support talented school graduates motivated to initially become a teacher, an essay competition "Teacher: Touching the Profession" was held among pupils of grades 8-11 of the regional schools.The contest was organized by the I.Altynsarin Center at the department of pedagogy in conjunction with the RSPC Kostanay Daryna of the education department of the akimat of Kostanay oblast.

The competition was aimed at the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the State Program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, the program "Тұған жер", the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution".

33 essays of pupils from schools in Lisakovsk and Rudniy, Auliekolsky, Zhitikarinsky, Kamystinsky, Karasu, Kostanai, Mendykarinsky, Naurzum, Sarykol, Uzunkol and Fedorov districts were presented to this competition. In their writings schoolchildren shared their impressions and reflections on the profession of the teacher, spoke about the high purpose of the teacher in society, his role in the upbringing and education of children. Many children, citing examples of their teachers as indefatigable workers in the pedagogical field, expressed a desire to become teachers in the future.

Here are some excerpts from schoolchildren's essays: "I want to become a teacher to teach children to be direct, open, able to perceive the world as bright and kind. After all, it is the teacher who ignites in the hearts of children the fire of the desire to know this world, to want to change it, to make oneself and others better ... "," Teacher ... how much for me in this word. I sincerely feel the joy that today my choice of profession is a teacher. Although the word profession is so little for this type of activity. This is not a profession - it's a way of life in which you live 24 hours a day ... "," Teacher is an unusual person who not only transfers his knowledge, skills and skills to children, but also helps in acquiring vital values, teaches us to distinguish good from evil and act according to the laws of the soul and heart of man ... "," A good teacher is remembered, speak of him, want to be like him. Indeed no one can say where this influence ends. The influence of the True Teacher, who is grateful, who is remembered all his life".

As a result of the contest, the jury selected the best essays. The first place was taken by the work of Krutko Darya, a student of the 11th form of the Kushmurun school №121 of Auliekol district. The second place was awarded to the works of Alekseeva Darya, a student of the 9th form of gymnasium №21 in the town of Rudny and Maximova Polina, a 10th grade pupil of the Arzamas school of theUzunkol district. Honorable the third place was shared by Natalia Gilyazitdinova, a student of the 9 th form of the Kushmurun school №121 of Auliekol district, Darbaeva Aikumys, a pupil of the 9th class of the Sholaksay school of the Naurzum district and Ismagulov Diyar, a pupil of the 9th grade of the secondary school №2 named after Musa Shozhanov of the Zhitikara district.

Prize-winners of the contest were awarded with diplomas. The organizers of the contest congratulate all prize-winners and wish new creative successes and victories.

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