Discussion of the reference of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev

The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on 5 March 2018, speaking at joint session of chambers of Parliament, appealed to the people of Kazakhstan on new social initiatives. Teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology, discussing scale social projects of the President, have noted the importance of new social initiatives which have been directed on the further improvement of well-being of everyone Kazakhstan citizen.

Special interest was caused the third initiative: "Increase of availability and quality of higher education and improvement of conditions of residing of student's youth". Teachers have noted, that investments in human resources are actual in all things world educational community. Measures offered by the President on allocation of additional grants on learning will assist an increase of scope by higher education of graduates of secondary schools, that, undoubtedly, will positively affect progress of system of higher education and preparation competitive experts in Kazakhstan.

Has found the response and the offer of the President on maintenance of students with hostels. In KSPI was always paid the attention to conditions of learning and living of students. Nevertheless, students face a problem of shortage of seats in hostel of KSPI and consequently, the initiative on construction of a student's hostel offered by E. Abil` rector of KSPI is apprehended as the justified care of our youth.

We consider, that new measures of the state become tangible for all Kazakh people, for all citizens of our country, will assist formation of the Kazakh model of the social state and national well-being.

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