On December 28, 2017 the results of the correspondence tender of scientific projects among pupils of schools of the Ybray Altynsarin's Phenomenon in the Kazakh History and the Culture of the 19th Century area are summed up. A competition was held by the Centers of Y. Altynsarin at the department of Pedagogic and Pre-university preparation and the academic mobility of the KSPI together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryn" of the department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region.
On December 25, 2017 the Centers of Y. Altynsarin at the department of pedagogics and pre-university preparation and the academic mobility of the Kostanay state teacher training college together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryna" of department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region carried out Altynsarinsky readings for pupils of schools of area. Tender of readers of works of I. Altynsarin was carried out for the purpose of promoting among school students of the Kazakh literature, including the literary heritage by the great Kazakh teacher educator Ibraya Altynsarin, identification and support of the talented pupils motivated to profound occupations with literature.
At department of pedagogy of psychology and pedagogical faculty purposefully work of student's research groups is also systematically organized. One of perspective student's researches is conducted on the subject "Formation of Patriotic Spirit of Youth on the basis of Valuable Orientations of the National Idea "Mangilik el". The heads of the project: Ivanova E.N., Mnaydarova S.S., Bekenova A.K., Brimzhanova K.S. Project purpose: formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism of youth by means of implementation of a complex of modern educational actions and also interaction and cooperation with neighboring countries.
On December 11, 2017, the «Academic Policy of KSPI» project was organized and discussed among the teaching staff and students of the faculty in order to provide constant feedback in the academic policy of the institute, the development of an effective system of innovation and quality, the culture of the general responsibility. Students and teachers took an active part in the discussion of the topical issues of academic learning reflected in the project «Academic Policy of KSPI». For this purpose curatorial hours were held in allgroups.
During educational process students pass very important stage in the system of the higher education - is an educational student practice. The result of successful training, including passing the educational practice at school, students have a set of professional and general competences. It is impossible to become a good teacher without certain experience. Students have got such experience during educational student practice on the chosen specialty. The practice took place in the first semester at schools of Kostanay. The main goal is a formation of the initial pedagogical abilities.
From December 4 to December 8, 2017 candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of psychology and defectology department Likhodedova L.N. have provided a training for teachers and students of Rudny industrial institute (in volume of 40 hours) on the subject “Inclusive Education” within the Republican project “Teaching by domestic and foreign experts in pedagogical specialties on the basis of the best educational standards in the field of management and the sphere of training” organized by the Higher school Nazarbayev University by request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of improvement the quality of teaching of competitive experts in the fields of education and professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties.
28th of November 2017 in the Students' House of the Qostanay State Pedagogical Institute (QSPI) senior professors of the Psychology and Therapeutic Pedagogy Department - Y.B. Grigorova, O.V. Kalinichenko, Z.D. Akhmetbekova - together with the fourth-year students of the Psychology major conducted a workshop on the stress resistance. The event was conducted in the Psychology and Therapeutic Pedagogy Department within a Healthy Lifestyle Week framework. Such way of co-operation with the students has found itself constant as long as workshops on stress resistance and communication and personal development are annually conducted among the students residing in the dormitory.
According to the work plan of the I.Altynsarin Center at the chair of pedagogy of KSPU on November 22-25, there was an active intellectual QUEST game "Explorer: hidden tips" (a trip to the institutions and the street of the city named after Ibrai Altynsarin) (further QUEST). QUEST was organized to develop the intellectual and creative potential of the individual by improving the skills of active research behavior, developing research abilities and the ability to work in a team. In the QUEST were 4 teams of 5 people, consisting of students 1-4 courses KSPU.During the game, participants attended five stations: the regional memorial museum of Ibrai Altynsarin, the boarding school for gifted children named after I.Altynsarin, the regional library for children and youth named after I.Altynsarin, the memorial complex of Ibrai Altynsarin and the street named after I.Altynsarin.
Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, together with the education department of the akimat of Kostanay region on the basis of the Zatobolsk School-Gymnasium named after. N. Naushabaev held a seminar «Organization of design and research activities of junior schoolchildren in small-scale schools». To participate in the seminar, three-year students of the kazakh department of the specialty «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» were invited. According to the seminar plan, the work was aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary school students in kazakh language lessons and literary reading.
Serikbai Ospanuly was awarded the State Scientific Prize named after I. Altynsarin for his enormous contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's science, including the research and popularization of the pedagogical and creative heritage of the outstanding Kazakh educator Ibrai Altynsarin. The staff of the department of pedagogy congratulates Serikbay Ospanovich with the award of the state prize in the field of pedagogy and wishes him new achievements and victories!