"Explorer: hidden tips"

According to the work plan of the I.Altynsarin Center at the chair of pedagogy of KSPU on November 22-25, there was an active intellectual QUEST game "Explorer: hidden tips" (a trip to the institutions and the street of the city named after Ibrai Altynsarin) (further QUEST).

QUEST was organized to develop the intellectual and creative potential of the individual by improving the skills of active research behavior, developing research abilities and the ability to work in a team.

In the QUEST were 4 teams of 5 people, consisting of students 1-4 courses KSPU.During the game, participants attended five stations: the regional memorial museum of Ibrai Altynsarin, the boarding school for gifted children named after I.Altynsarin, the regional library for children and youth named after I.Altynsarin, the memorial complex of Ibrai Altynsarin and the street named after I.Altynsarin. At each stage, they performed various tasks, obtained on-line - answers to questions, searching for hidden artifacts, a mini-survey of residents and visitors of the city "What do I know about the life and work of I.Altynsarin".Passage of each stage participants of the Quest fixed photos and video reports.The winner of the game was the team, who before all successfully passed the proposed route.

Following the results of the Quest, the first place was taken by the team "1841", the team "Molodezhka" took the second place and the "PiP" team took the third place. Winners-teams were awarded with diplomas and books, all participants of the Quest received certificates of participation.




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