Young researchers Ybray Altynsarin's phenomenon in the Kazakh History and the culture of the 19th century

On December 28, 2017 the results of the correspondence tender of scientific projects among pupils of schools of the Ybray Altynsarin's Phenomenon in the Kazakh History and the Culture of the 19th Century area are summed up.

A competition was held by the Centers of Y. Altynsarin at the department of Pedagogic and Pre-university preparation and the academic mobility of the KSPI together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryn" of the department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region.

The scientific competition of school students pursued the aim – within program implementation "Tugan zher" to bring up the valuable relation of younger generation to history and the culture of the Homeland, to the outstanding persons who played a key role in her progressive development; to popularize pedagogical and creative heritage of the first Kazakh teacher educator of Ybray Altynsarin.

On tender 11 scientific projects of pupils of 3-11 classes of schools of Altynsarinsk, Auliyekolsk, Zhitikarinsk, Karabalyk, Karasu, Kostanay, Uzunkol districts, the city of Lisakovsk and boarding school for exceptional children of Y. Altynsarin were provided.

Young researchers prepared the scientific projects devoted to life, activity and Ybray Altynsarin's creativity, his role in progressive development of Kazakhstan in the 19th century, modern assessment of a contribution of Ybray Altynsarin to development of society and culture.

Jury, considering competitive works, was guided by the following criteria - the clearness of a formulation of a subject and its relevance, scientific novelty; use of the scientific facts in work, experience of scientists and researchers; logicality of scheduling of work, completeness of disclosure of a subject; creativity and the reasoned point of view of the author, independent estimates and judgments; availability of valid conclusions; style, material statement language (clarity, figurativeness, lexicon, grammar); work registration.

Following the results of work of jury the I place is awarded to the schoolgirl of the 6th class of Y. Altynsarin, Amanzholova Makhabbat; The II place – to the pupil of the 9th class of high school No. 1 of the city of Lisakovsk Akhmetov Amandyk and the III place – the schoolgirl of the 11th class of high school of Kadyr Karimov of the Kostanay region of Seitbekova Symbat.

Young researchers showed high intellectual activity, creative capabilities that he will allow to be engaged further in serious scientific researches.

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