“Kel, balalar, okylyk”

On December 25, 2017 the Centers of Y. Altynsarin at the department of pedagogics and pre-university preparation and the academic mobility of the Kostanay state teacher training college together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryna" of department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region carried out Altynsarinsky readings for pupils of schools of area. Tender of readers of works of I. Altynsarin was carried out for the purpose of promoting among school students of the Kazakh literature, including the literary heritage by the great Kazakh teacher educator Ibraya Altynsarin, identification and support of the talented pupils motivated to profound occupations with literature.

27 pupils of 6-11 classes of schools of area took part in tender. The geography of participants was provided Altynsarinsk, Amangeldy, Auliyekol, Zhitikara, Kamysty, Karabalyk, Karasu, Kostanay, Taranov by areas, the cities of Lisakovsk, Rudny and two Shodami a name of Y. Altynsarin lyceum.

All participants showed great skills and creative approach to execution of works, some school students read own works devoted to Ybray Altynsarin.

Following the results of tender I the place was taken a high school of B. Koldasbayev, Amangeldy district; The II place – Shagatayeva Dayana, Glazunov high school, the Kostanay district; Mysyr Dosbol – boarding school for exceptional children of Y. Altynsarin; The III place – Omarov the Azat, high school No. 3, the city of Lisakovsk; Niyazova Galina – Zarechnyi school, Taranov district; Nazarovo Tomiris – Ubagan high school of Y. Altynsarin, Altynsarin district. Five pupils were marked out in the For Enthusiasm for Literature nomination - Krasnyi Ilya – School No. 1, Erzhanova Guldana – the main school of M. Seralin, Karabalyk district; Mangsarina Mang and Shaldybayev Alisher - boarding school for exceptional children of I. Altynsarin; Abusakhit Orazkul – School No. 1, Taranov district. Prize-winners and nominees are awarded with diplomas and diplomas. The best readers from hands of the author, famous Kostanay poet and scientist Serikbaya Ospanov received the book “Kazakh publitsist".

Tender of readers of works of Y. Altynsarin showed the high potential of pupils of schools of our area - gifted, creative and active.



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