In November 2017 teachers of the Department of Pedagogy Ph.D. Shumeiko T.S., Shalgimbekova A.B., Ph.D. Mnaidarova S.S in cooperation with the IPC PR in the Kostanay region of the FAO NRCK "Dearly" in conducting regional training courses in the program "Development of the professional competence of the teacher in the subject" Art work "conducted classes based on professionally oriented situations and aimed at creating a holistic view of the pedagogical process in the face of personalized education.The modern teacher needs to be competitive, be able to position oneself in a dynamic educational environment.
An annual tradition was the work of pedagogical group "Rovesnik" for the training of first-year students to future professional activity. The purpose of the squad is focused on creating the conditions for the formation of an active, professionally competent personality of a future teacher; it is also conducive to the creative approach to organization of educational work. Freshmen actively involved in the work. In the process of work and cooperation, the students were socialized and adaptation. Participating in the work of the three groups, were able to familiarize with active methods of the organization of pupils; to carry out the fulfillment of personal potential; to deepen professional interests and orientation of the individual.
On November 14, 2017, within the framework of the «Рухани жанғыру» program, an open class was conducted by аssociate professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, S.A. Baizhanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences. A lecture on the topic «Functions and educational potential of the family» was held for the third year students of the specialty «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» in the discipline «Theory and methodology of educational work in an elementary school».
18.10.2017 department of pedagogics collaboratively with the Centre for Y. Altynsarin studying held a competition of the research works devoted to 175 the anniversary since the birth of the great Kazakh teacher-educator Ybray Altynsarin. The purpose of the competition was an exchange of experience on studying pedagogical heritage of Y. Altynsarin and realization his ideas in the modern education system. The competition took place on five nominations. Students of all faculties took the fissile part, over 20 works have been presented. Winners have been awarded with monetary prizes. We congratulate our students with prize-winning places and we wish further success and victories!
From October 02 to October 18, 2017 deputy dean of psychology and pedagogical faculty Alipbayeva G.A. decade on prevention of a healthy lifestyle has been organized and spent. These days curator hours on the subject "We for HLS ", meetings, trainings have been spent. Meetings of students with representatives of MU of "The Kostanay regional center for problems of formation of a healthy lifestyle" of the manager of preventive department Naukenova R. M., the psychologist of this center Kokandova I. G. became one of the main actions. Representatives of HLS have held a number of lectures for students of 1 - 3 courses on hot topics such as: "A balanced diet and health", "Prevention of ARVD and ARI", "Addictions", "Prevention of early pregnancy".
Cooperation with the Center of adaptation of minors for the Kostanay region became a good tradition for students of specialty "Pedagogic and Psychology" at the head the senior teacher of department of psychology and defectology Kairova B.K. So, on October 15, 2017 within a decade "We for HLS" the next time students of specialty "Pedagogic and Psychology" of the Kazakh department have visited this center. Students for children from the center have organized interesting outdoor games, trainings, they together sang songs and danced. Cheerful games, pleasant music made active creative abilities of children, they read verses too, sang songs, and the boy by the name of Denis, has masterly played on a dombra having pleasantly surprised students.
The senior teacher of department of Pedagogic of KSPI Shalgimbekova Aliya Batyrkhanovna participated as a jury in a regional competition the master - classes of Art teachers "My creative laboratory" which passed in September, 2017. The competition took place two stages and more than 30 teachers participated in it. Identification of the best pedagogical experiment on the organization of lessons and the occupations in the field of the fine arts, stimulation of creative activity of teachers, distribution of the best pedagogical practices among teachers of area and creation of the collection of master classes of art teachers was the purpose of a competition.
On September 27. 09. 2017 the senior teacher Moldakhmetova G.M. of PPF of department of psychology and defectology and students of 3-4 courses of specialties "Pedagogics and Psychology", "Defectology" have taken part in the television program «Ақ орамал» on regional TV channel «Қазақстан-Қостанай». Within this television program family psychology problems were considered. TV viewers had an opportunity to receive the developed answers to the topical issues connected with psychological features of forming of the family relations.
September 21, 2017 with the students of the first year of the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing", "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" was held curatorial hour to discuss the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev "A look into the future: the modernization of public consciousness." During the event, 4th year students of the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing", "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" prepared reports, presentations, quizzes concerning the program article and those tasks to be accomplished in the near future.
At the faculty of Additional education at the Kostanay state pedagogic institute, from May 29 to June 10, 2017 for teachers of colleges and schools, have completed 2 weeks advanced training courses on the theme: "Modern approaches in training of younger school students in the conditions of updating content education". In the context of this subject, questions innovative processes in primary education in the conditions of modernization, active methods and innovative technologies of training at elementary school, information and communication technologies, were considered.