Competition of research works

18.10.2017 department of pedagogics collaboratively with the Centre for Y. Altynsarin studying held a competition of the research works devoted  to 175 the anniversary since the birth of the great Kazakh teacher-educator Ybray Altynsarin.

The purpose of the competition was an exchange of experience on studying pedagogical heritage of Y. Altynsarin and realization his ideas in the modern education system. The competition took place on five nominations:

  • - Personality and outlook of Ybray Altynsarin. Sources of formation of the outstanding person.
  • - Pedagogical – educational and social-political activity of Ybray Altynsarin.
  • - Creative and literary heritage Ybray Altynsarin.
  • - The modern assessment of Ybray Altynsarin personality in the history of Kazakhstan.

Students of all faculties took the fissile part, over 20 works have been presented. Winners have been awarded with monetary prizes. We congratulate our students with prize-winning places and we wish further success and victories!

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