"The science tree is connected with practice"

During educational process students pass very important stage in the system of the higher education - is an educational student practice. The result of successful training, including passing the educational practice at school, students have a set of professional and general competences. It is impossible to become a good teacher without certain experience. Students have got such experience during educational student practice on the chosen specialty. The practice took place in the first semester at schools of Kostanay. The main goal is a formation of the initial pedagogical abilities.

The objects:

  1. To estimate the effectiveness of the practical skills received by students during the practice;
  2. The formation at students-probationers of the initial pedagogical abilities of interaction with pupils of the subject teacher and the class teacher;
  3. Knowledge attaching and expansion of the students-probationers of the features and main directions of a pedagogical profession;

The first year of the studying in pedagogical institute is an initial stage, which gives the chance to create and to form primary pedagogical abilities on the basis of observations the pedagogical activity of the teacher and the class teacher.

On December 8, 2017, teachers of the department of Pedagogics S.S. Mnaydarova and A.K. Bekenova, the final conference on educational student practice among students of the first course of KSPI "The Science tree is connected with practice" has been organized.

Teachers of the department of Pedagogics, the Head of the department of practice and employment G.I. Danilchenko have participated in the conference, the Head of the department of the Academic programs O.M. Chernyavskaya, traditionally, after passing the practice, students have shared with the impressions and have made the short review of the first steps of the pedagogical activity.

Идрисова АйданаAdana Idrisova, the student of the first course of Social and Humanitarian faculty of the specialty "History" (23rd school)

"Impressions of the class team remained only positive. I estimate collective of a class as middle disciplined and rather active in out-of-class work. Conversations with teachers and the class teacher and also observations and pupils have helped me to draw some conclusions and have facilitated my out-of-class educational work.

I have gained various skills of the educational work, the most important of which is the following:

  • Ability to conform the carried-out educational work with age features of pupils.
  • Ability to use all set of methods of education in the course of out-of-class work belief, a positive example, approval, control, etc.
  • Ability in the general system of out-of-class work to put forward the leading educational tasks considering features of behavior and development of pupils and to develop the system of actions for their decision.
  • Ability to use the various methods and methods of out-of-class educational work for implementation of the individual approach to pupils.

There is a separate wish to note the high level of the professionalism and pedagogical skills of teachers which I have revealed during visiting the lessons. The methods of work with children help to study the chosen profession more deeply. Watching activity of the subject teacher, I have understood as much including discipline, depend on the teacher.

Summing up the result there is a wish to tell that I estimate practice as successful. Thanks to the benevolent atmosphere in pedagogical staff of the school I felt freely and could join teaching and educational process. In the future I should pay more attention to motivational component at the organization of any activity of pupils."

Смирнова АнгелинаAngelina Smirnova, the student of the first course of the mathematical faculty of the specialty "Biology" (1 school)

"It would be desirable to note that at practical training I have self-actualized as future teacher, as the class teacher. I have gained the following skills of the class teacher: creation of the general favorable psychological climate in collective, assistance by pupils in formation of communicative qualities, have learned to analyze and estimate the level of good breeding of pupils and also I have analyzed development of cool collective. This practice is very useful to us as to future teachers; it contributes to the development of professional and communicative skills."

Ветрова АленаAlena Vetrova, the student of the first course of the mathematical faculty of the specialty "Geography" (2nd school)

"The administration of school and pedagogical collective has organized warm welcome and the open benevolent relation. The subject teacher and the class teacher rendered the feasible help in preparation of an out-of-class action, helped to conduct a psychological research of group of pupils.
During practical training I have taught to use correctly all set of methods of education in the course of out-of-class work, to develop the system of actions and methods of out-of-class educational work for implementation of individual approach to pupils."

During the conference the photo exhibition and an exhibition of the best reports of students on practice have been organized. The results of a conference were summed up by the manager of department of Pedagogics of B.B.Utegenova

To become the good teacher, the student has to love the profession.

The person who likes to do what he does can achieve good results in any field of activity.

Educational student teaching is, perhaps, one of the most important grade levels and if to understand her importance and to treat her responsibly, and then the student receives a profession with which he will be always confident in the future!

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