Serikbay Ospanuly is a laureate of State Scientific Prize named after I. Altynsarin

Serikbai Ospanuly was awarded the State Scientific Prize named after I. Altynsarin for his enormous contribution to the development of Kazakhstan's science, including the research and popularization of the pedagogical and creative heritage of the outstanding Kazakh educator Ibrai Altynsarin. The staff of the department of pedagogy congratulates Serikbay Ospanovich with the award of the state prize in the field of pedagogy and wishes him new achievements and victories!

Serikbay Ospanuly is a candidate of philological sciences, professor assistant, specialist of I. Altynsarin Center at the Department of Pedagogy.

Serikbay Ospanuly is a well-known Kazakh poet, the author of the poetry collections like "Zherzhuregi", "Zharzhynzhasty", "Koshyraugul", "Aigul", "Altynar'au", "Ballads about Batyr" and many others. He is a member of the Union of Kazakhstan Writers and an International Writers' Union. He was awarded the medal "For Labor Valor", a laureate of many prestigious international, national and regional competitions. More than 200 songs were written by him, many of them have become folk and are very popular. The works of the author at one time were included in the collections of Ana Tili for the 2, 3 and 4 grades of elementary schools.
At the same time, SerikbayOspanuly is a well-known scientist, author of a number of scientific works, among them the research "Syrbai Maulenov - journalist, publicist", " The environment in which Ahmetgrew up", "Kazakh akyns’ Journalism", "Introduction to Journalism", "The Great teacher" "Unquenchable flame", "The world of akyns", "Altynsarin’s world". He wrote and published more than 80 scientific articles on the problems of linguistics, journalism, literature, and local history. One of the directions of his scientific activity is a study of the life and activities of Ibrai Altynsarin.


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