Training on the subject “Inclusive Education” at Rudny industrial institute

From December 4 to December 8, 2017 candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of psychology and defectology department Likhodedova L.N. have provided a training for teachers and students of Rudny industrial institute (in volume of 40 hours) on the subject “Inclusive Education” within the Republican project “Teaching by domestic and foreign experts in pedagogical specialties on the basis of the best educational standards in the field of management and the sphere of training” organized by the Higher school Nazarbayev University by request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of improvement the quality of teaching of competitive experts in the fields of education and professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties.

Students of specialties “Professional Training”, “Heat-and-power engineering”, “Power industry”, pedagogical staff of the higher education institution became participants of this training.

Listeners of the training could show understanding of conceptual approaches of inclusive education, taking active part in discussion of problematic issues, preparation of a project research, working with didactic materials, analyzing videos, carrying out training exercises.

Discussion of questions by teachers and students during a round table on a subject “Psychological-pedagogical maintenance and the organization of the barrier-free environment in higher education institution for students with limited opportunities” has shown desire of participants to apply the gained knowledge in the practical activities: for teachers – to include training materials in sections of the disciplines read for students of specialty “Professional Training”; for students – to apply the gained knowledge about development of individual programs (tasks) for persons with special educational needs during passing pedagogical, work and pre-graduation practices.

The carried-out questioning demonstrates the positive reviews of listeners of a training, interest in the problem of introduction of inclusive education in RK. Was expressed the opinion about need of holding this training “Inclusive education” for teachers in educational institutions, and also about creation of psychological-pedagogical service in higher education institutions of RK for students with special educational needs.

The administration and pedagogical staff of Rudny industrial institute have noted the high professional level of holding this training and have expressed wishes of further cooperation.

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