Cooperation with the department of education of the akimat of Kostanai district

Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, together with the education department of the akimat of Kostanay region on the basis of the Zatobolsk School-Gymnasium named after. N. Naushabaev held a seminar «Organization of design and research activities of junior schoolchildren in small-scale schools».

To participate in the seminar, three-year students of the kazakh department of the specialty «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» were invited.

According to the seminar plan, the work was aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary school students in kazakh language lessons and literary reading. Open classes were held on literary reading in the 4th and 3rd grades, in the kazakh language in the 2nd grade by the teachers of the school-gymnasium after them N.Naushabaev Baizakova G.D. on the theme «Қанышбұлақ», Ibraeva Zh.B. on the topic «Диалог. Сөйлем дегенеміз не?», Baikasynova A.K. on the topic «Қобыланды батыр». The visit ended with a cool hour on the topic «Ойнайық та, ойлайық!»

Under the guidance of the senior lecturer of the department, candidate of pedagogical sciences Bayzhanova S.A. and senior teacher of the department of Preschool and Primary Education, master of education sciences Kushmurzina D.Kh. detailed analysis of the lessons was carried out, methods of conducting classroom training in subjects were studied. The ways of further cooperation with the department of education of the akimat of Kostanai district on the problem of updating the content of primary education of small schools are outlined.

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