Teacher: touching the profession

In order to popularize the teaching profession among the students, increase interest in teaching activities, identify and support talented students motivated to initially become a teacher, an essay contest "Teacher: Touching the Profession" among students of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held. The contest was organized by the I.Altynsarin center at the Department of Pedagogy of KSPI.

The competition was aimed at the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the state program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2016-2019, the program "Тұғанжер", the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution".

At this competition, 18 essays were presented, in which contestants expressed individual impressions and reflections on the profession of the teacher. In their writings, future teachers talked about the profession of the teacher as one of the socially important professions, about the mission and role of the teacher in the development of society, the need to raise the status of the profession and the public image of the teacher.

Future teachers reflect on the profession of the teacher, calling the teacher "the discoverer of the world of childhood", "the cutter of precious children's souls," "a man with a big and kind heart." Already today they define their principles in the future pedagogical activity - "to love children", "to know their subjects perfectly", "to interest students with their subject", "to trust their pupils", "to create in the lesson an atmosphere of good, participation and harmony", "be for students an example in everything".

As a result of the contest, the jury selected the best essays. The first place was taken by the work of SabitZere - the student of the 2nd course of the EMF, the specialty "computer science", the second place - the essay of Zhunayeva Maftuna, the student of the 2nd course of the EMF, the specialty "chemistry" and the third place - the composition of Kabdyrakhmanova Assem, the student of the 2nd course of the PPF, specialty "pedagogy and psychology". Prize-winners of the contest were awarded with diplomas and books. The remaining participants of the competition received a certificate of participation.

The staff of the department of pedagogy congratulates the winners of the contest and wishes new creative successes.

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