Together - we are force!

In conditions of socio-cultural disintegration of preserving the national and cultural identity of various nations and ethnic groups doesn't contradict the idea of creating an integral ethnotolerant cultural space of Kazakhstan and is part of the national policy of the Republic.

In the article "Prospection: modernization of public consciousness" the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev has stressed: “Our national traditions and customs, language and music, literature and wedding ceremonies – in a word, the national spirit – must remain with us forever. Abai’s wisdom, Auezov’s pen, Zhambyl’s penetrating lines, the magic sounds of Kurmangazy and the eternal call of Aruah are only a part of our spiritual culture.”

Proceeding from it, one of important components of teaching and educational process at comprehensive school and the student's environment is the problem of formation of patriotic spirit of youth as bases of civil consent in the democratic state.

Within the research project "Formation of Patriotic Spirit of Youth on the basis of Valuable Orientations of the National Idea "Mangilik el" have held an educational event "TOGETHER - WE ARE FORCE!" in PI "School lyceum no. 1 of department of formation of akimat of the city of Kostanay".

On March 15, 2018 heads of research group Ivanova E.N., Mnaydarova S.S., Bekenova A.K. the intellectual game "TOGETHER - WE ARE FORCE!" among school students of 6 "G" of a class of school lyceum No. 1 of the city of Kostanay has been organized. The event was attended by students Basanova Zhansaya, Adyrbaeva Zhuldyz, Abdrakhmanova Asel, Adyrbaev Temirlan and Toiganbaev Rustem.

Intellectual game took place in a type of a competition competition between 3 teams.

At 1st stage of team competed in knowledge of the State symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, answering questions of value of a five-pointed star on the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan; what symbolizes “shanyrak” on the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan; knowledge and description of elements of the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the 2nd stage of team showed ability to explain understanding of the term "tolerance"; selected synonyms by the way, explained what means to be tolerant?

At the 3rd stage "Nauryz-meyramy" participants of teams successfully answered the questions connected with celebration the Nauryz in Kazakhstan, ceremonies and traditions of a holiday.

Following the results of a competition of jury has allocated the best team and the most active pupils. The 1st place was taken by the “Invincibles” team, the 2nd place-
“Gucci” and 3rd place the team "Positive". Prize-winners of a competition and active pupils Bukeev Amir, Panina Yana and Subbotina Valeria have been awarded with diplomas.

The staff of department of pedagogics congratulates pupils of school – lyceum and prize-winners of an intellectual game and wishes new creative achievements, joyful emotions, high flights of soul and bright abilities of talent, let every instant give good luck and a smile!






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