“A person can know the world, its essence through his feelings and mind”

On February 28, 2020, at the Faculty of Psychology and Education, a round table discussion “A person can know the world, his essence through his feelings and mind”, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of Abu Nasyr al-Farabi, was held. The round table was organized by senior teachers of the Department of Psychology and Defectology Kairova B.Kh. and Usembaeva A.Kh., deputy dean of PPF Alipbaeva G.A.

The purpose of the round table is to explore the life and work of Al-Farabi, to focus youth on the spiritual and scientific heritage of the thinkers of the past of our state, in order to promote motivation to work honestly in our native country, to study and transmit our spiritual wealth from generation to generation.

Round table content:

  1. The meaning of the words of edification Abu Nasyr al-Farabi and their role in the education of youth.
  2. Exchange of views on the topic "Philosophical thoughts of al-Farabi."
  3. The psychological works of Al-Farabi and their place in modern scientific psychology.
  4. The contribution of al-Farabi to medical science and music.
  5. The views of Al-Farabi on moral education, their role in the education and upbringing of the younger generation.

The participants in the round were students of various specialties: “psychology”, “pedagogy and psychology”, “preschool education and upbringing”, “pedagogy and methodology of primary education”. A study of the work of the great thinker made it possible to discover its connection with the idea of ​​the program “Modernization of Consciousness - Orientation to the Future”. Psychological students Zanbatyrova Asem and Shakeeva Alima presented the psychological views of Al-Farabi, they noted that his ideas were included in the golden fund of psychological science. A future primary school teacher, Begali Akniet, read excerpts from al-Farabi's poetry. Students Zhappar Aydin, Aset Zhansaya, Kabdrakhman Gulnur prepared a presentation on the use of the scientific heritage of al-Farabi in the preparation of studies and the relevance of his scientific ideas in the training of future specialists.

In general, the round table achieved its goal: students received useful information, noted the educational value of this topic of the round table and expressed their desire to continue to participate in such events

Круглый стол в честь 1150-летнего юбилея Абу Насыр аль-Фараби «Человек может познать мир, его сущность посредством своих чувств и разума»

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