"Framing English Curriculum in Engineering Institutions: Challenges and Innovations"

In today' era the importance and dominance of the English language cannot be discounted at any level of education starting from the lowest to the highest level of learning. Proficiency in the English Language fulfils the dreams of the learners and helps them achieve professional success in the field of science and technology. Designing appropriate curriculum is quintessential to cater to the increasing demands of the learners to apply the skills that they have learnt in professional contexts.

That’s why on the 13th of October a National Workshop 'Framing English Curriculum in Engineering Institutions: Challenges and Innovations' was organized, where Professors from EFL University in Hyberabad, ElT Expert from KEC, from Canada, University of Phoenix participated. Kudritskaya M., an associated professor of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, on behalf of our institute participated as a speaker on the topic «Curriculum Development in FLT». The objectives of the workshop focused on the bringing about an awareness among the teachers of English about Curriculum development in Professional Institution, introducing effective models of teaching, selecting appropriate teaching materials also adopting interesting and reliable evaluation techniques.


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