"Spiritual Revival - an Independence Support"

On December 08, 2017 15 students of philological faculty, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" wrote the essay on the subject "Spiritual Revival — an Independence Support". This activity is devoted to the 26 anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Independence Day celebration.

Competition aim:

  • spiritual education of students;
  • increment in students' social activity;
  • to wake up in students the pride for independent Kazakhstan;
  • a response to the policy carried out by the state;
  • do the groundwork for a creative youth initiative in science.

The teachers Cand. Sc.(Philology), associate professor Nurmukhametova K.T. and Cand. Sc.(Philology), associate professor A.D. Bezaubekova give practical classes in the Kazakh language in these groups and do work for the mainstreaming of the state language status  and national culture in society.

Essay results:

  • 1 place: Sovetova Akgul, 14 AR, Sadykova Anel 14AR
  • 2 place: Koishybek Ayagoz 14 AR, Ozarnikova Maria 13AR
  • 3 place: Tyurina Yulya 13AR, Dementjeva Anna 13AR


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