You become responsible forever for what you have tamed

On 14st February 1st year students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" held another charity event in "Kostanay Zoo Pulse" within the framework of the social project "From Heart to Heart". Students and a curator Matershova A.I. bought food and took it to the shelter. The volunteers of the shelter conducted an excursion for students who came for the first time. They told about the inhabitants of "Kostanay Zoo Pulse".

Students are trying to spread information about the shelter within the framework of the social project "From heart to heart" (preparation of booklets, advertising in social networks). A student of the first year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" Zarina Nurgamysova took one of the cats of the shelter. The participants of the social project hope that everyone will help them find a new home for animals.





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