A curatorial hour for discussed the President's Message

On 22st February teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Koval O. V. held a curatorial hour with students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature". They discussed the President's Message «New Opportunities for development under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution».

"A ship wandering in the sea needs a compass, because it should not get off the route, and for the country needs own beacon, which the entire state is guided." The beginning of year usually coincides with the appeal of the president of Kazakhstan to his people. The message of the President of Kazakhstan to the people is devoted to the fourth industrial revolution and contains 10 goals.

The students took an active part in the discussion of the message and exchanged views on each of its directions. The seventh direction aroused a special interest among the participants. Students held a quiz for analyze the text of the message, they tried to give the correct answers.

At the end of the curatorial hour they came to the common opinion, that thanks to political stability and public consensus, all conditions for the modernization of the economy, politics and consciousness were created in Kazakhstan.

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