House of Friendship gives tales and friendship

On 7st February a presentation of a collection of fairy tales "Dostyқ turaly ertegiler" by Kostanay authors was held in the regional House of Friendship. Alexander Suslova is the author of popular books for children, an excellent student of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She took part in the contest of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region, which had announced in September of last year. The writer (she is also the chairman of the Public Consent Council of the Regional Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan) wrote two tales - about the saiga and foals. The main ideas of the collection's tales were eternal values ​​- friendship, respect, mutual assistance, hospitality and unity of people.

During the presentation in the House of Friendship, books were donated to libraries, kindergartens and Kostanay children's shelter. A creative meeting took place between the well-known Kostanay author and fourth-year student of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" Diana Rakhimzhanova after such a wonderful event. Diana led the event. She wrote a thesis on the work of Kostanay poets. The art of Alexandra Suslova occupies a special place in the work of the graduate student.


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