"One step in the study is hundred steps in development"

On 12th April the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “One Step in Research is Hundred Steps in Development” was held at the Branch of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Kostanay. The main task of which was to consolidate young inquisitive researchers from different corners Kostanay region, as evidenced by the crowded assembly hall during the plenary session. Sectional work was carried out in areas each of which represented a particular field of science.

The guys represented the results of the joint work with the supervisor, defended them, and proved how valuable their work was. So, for example, in the section “Russian Language and Literature”, 13 works were presented, each of which was notable for its novelty, relevance, non-standard solution of the problem. However, the competent jury composed of Professor KSU named after A. Baitursynov Nurseitova A.K. and head of the department of Russian language and literature of the KSPU named after U. Sultangazin Zhulamanova D.A. managed to identify the best of the best and distribute prizes. It is gratifying to note that the majority of the work was moderated by the teachers - graduates of the Faculty of Philology of KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, which is one of the indicators of the quality of work of the faculty of our university.

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