The educational environment as a means of forming an individual's environmental responsibility
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- Published: 21 April 2020

On April 21, 2020, on the eve of International Earth Day, the staff of the Department of Natural Sciences worked in the online seminar «The educational environment as a means of forming an individual's environmental responsibility».This day is considered by many to be a day of responsibility to the planet, people and nature. In 147 countries, celebrations and events are held, urging to pay attention to environmental problems.
The seminar consolidated the pedagogical resource of specialists from Kostanay, Almaty, Pavlodar, Chelyabinsk in the formation of the noosphere thinking of a contemporary as an active transformer of the environment.
The cluster "Man consumes environmental resources and actively transforms it" has united speakers - professionals in the field of standardization(Gayday I.I., associate professor at KEnEU named after M. Dulatov with the theme “ISO 14000 - a series of standards of the International Organization for Standardization as an environmental management system”), chemical technology (Nazarenko A.V., master of chemical technology, developer of educational programs for the petrochemical industry and methodological support from Pavlodar;Ergalieva E.M., 2nd year doctoral student, KazNU al-Farabi, with recommendations on the use of environmental monitoring data and GIS-technologies), processing industries (Zhanabaeva K.K., master of technical sciences, senior lecturer of the department of technology, processing and standardization of KSU named after A. Baitursynov with the theme "Technical education: prospects, tasks, problems of training specialists for resource conservation").
Orlova L.G. shared the practice of forming environmental responsibility of the individual. (teacher-practitioner of the highest category, author of special courses, Chelyabinsk), BespalchukN.V.(teacher-master of Sсhool-lyceum№2, Kostanay), NugumanovaK.A. (Master in “Pedagogical education”, chemistry teacher at KSU “SLBIT“Ozat”), ChapaksinI.V. (4th year student of EP "Chemistry", Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Private educational institution "Zerek College").
Sherniyazova V.V. - Candidate of pedagogical sciences, volunteer of the Public Association “Hope plus kst” - raised issues of concern for animals, voicing them as bioethical indicators of the development of society.Teacher-psychologist from the city of Chelyabinsk Inozemtseva A.A. voiced the author's essay on the search for harmony between man and nature in the "new" time. Head of the Entomological Museum, Art. Lecturer, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Ecology, KSU A. BaitursynovaMarinenko T.G. positioned the work of the Entomological Museum in the protection of rare insects of the Kostanay region, in the formation of the ecological culture of the population.
Ruchkina G.A., c.b.s., associate professor, summed up the work of the online seminar, summarizing that a person is obliged to be aware of his relationship with nature, its universality and self-worth. And the teacher is also his responsibility in the noosphere-oriented development of generations.
Chernyavskaya Olga Mikhailovna, c.p.s., assoc. professor,
Gubenko Maxim Andreevich, Master of Chemistry, senior teacher
Department of Natural Sciences of KSPU named after U.Sultangazina