History of independence - reflection of the spirit of the Nation

On November, 13, 2016, 3rd year students of specialty "Basics of Law and Economics" of faculty of history and arts of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, including Murzagaliev Ruslan, Tulubaeva Elmira, Danielova Aigerim and lecturers of the department of social sciences, basics of law and economics, candidate of historical science, associate professor Yarochkina E. V., candidate of economical science, associate professor Nurmagambetova L. I. had visited the lecture " History of independence - reflection of the spirit of the Nation" and the "Mangilik El is the spiritual basis of the Nation", which were held in Kostanay regional House of friendship in the framework of the Republican action " Train "Tauelsizdik Kazakhstan", devoted to 25-anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan.
Special attention should be said about the report of the academician, Professor, PhD., Director of the Center for analysis, forecast and social initiatives of "Nur Otan", President of the International coalition "Civic Peace" Kazkenov Kazbek Mailybaevich. He had informed from a philosophical-historical approach the audience about the achievements of the state since independence and prospects for development. In unity is our strength, together we will achieve much.

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