Results of the international online conference devoted to ethnological processes in Kazakhstan

On November 30, 2016 there underwent the international online conference "Ethno social processes in Kazakhstan and adjacent territories: features of conducting researches at the regional level", the Republic of Kazakhstan devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Independence in which teachers of department of public disciplines, bases of the right and economy took part and made reports: E. V. Yarochkina (the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor manager of ODES, OPE department), A. B.Amantayeva (the candidate of philosophical sciences, the associate professor), S. V. Nazarova. (the candidate of political sciences, the associate professor), T. P. Paniyaz (the senior teacher, the master of social sciences), O. N. Evdokimova (the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the manager of department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan), as the moderator from KSPI S. V. Samarkin (the candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, the dean of faculty of additional education) acted.

Reports were directed to the regional aspect, Diasporas questions are considered, the process of formation of the interethnic, interfaith relations and against the background of all this is shown as there is a political transformation of society. The initiator of an online conference the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the East Kazakhstan acted as KSU "The House of friendship — the Center of a Public Consent" of the office of the East Kazakhstan region. During the conference, reports were made by scientists scientifically – expert group of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the East Kazakhstan region, Altaytanu Research center, the East Kazakhstan state the University of S. Amanzholov, the East Kazakhstan state technical university of D. Serikbayev. Particular interest was attracted by work of the dialogue platform of the Altai state university (city of Barnaul, Russian Federation) where the ceremonial opening of the Honorable department "Kazakhstan Way and N. Nazarbayev" was held on October 8, 2014. Manager of this department is Yu. A. Lysenko, the professor, shared practical experience of studying of the Kazakhstan model of the interethnic and interfaith relations in the Russian higher education institution. Following the results of a conference, all participants made the decision to expand borders and forms of interaction and to give open lectures, conferences, seminars for students.


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