Meeting with Vishnichenko Valery

On February 22, 2019 the meeting with Vishnichenko Valery Georgiyevich, a famous public and political figure of our area, associated professor of KSPU, candidate of historical sciences took place within an activity of the club of local historians.

The event was organized and moderated by Samarkin S.V. - a scientific consultant of the club. Among the participants were teachers and students of KSPU and the Kostanay Pedagogical College.

The meeting began with a television story about V.G. Vishnichenko, telling about him as a great organizer, politician, orator, creative person, wonderful family man. In his speech, Valery Georgievich presented the main milestones of his biography - from school and university to a member of parliament and scientist.

Among Vishnichenko V.G.’s colleagues, friends and acquaintances are outstanding figures of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the world community. His work was marked by a number of government thanks and awards, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Kostanay" in February of this year. Vishnichenko V.G. made a lot to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of our region. He is an author of several books devoted to the history of the Kostanay chess, Assemblies of the people of Kazakhstan. Valery Georgievich was the head of the State Archive of the Kostanay region for several years. On his initiative, reference books and collections of documents, handouts devoted to outstanding people of our region were prepared and published, public lectures on current problems of the past were held.

The dialogue with the scientist and politician had an open and informative character. At the end of the conversation, Valery Georgievich figuratively noted that "... under the still stone, water does not flow" and gave an advice to young people to demonstrate actively their abilities in all spheres of student's and public life.






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