Open lesson at the Department of Arts

On December 6, 2019, the senior teacher of the Department of Arts, Zhusupova, Dina Zhetpispaevna, held an open lesson in the discipline “Professional teacher orientations” on the topic of Protection of the final short-term lesson summary on the subject “Artistic Work”. The purpose of the lesson was to develop students' skills in drawing up a short-term lesson plan. The teacher working for the result raises the question: how to plan the lesson correctly in order to teach the student to think, ask questions and find answers, make discoveries and enjoy the search process. The discipline program includes 7 modules "New Approaches in Learning".

This is a clear structure, based on educational, developmental and educational goals. During the training, students learned to use group forms of work, playing techniques, sought to frequently change the educational activities of schoolchildren.

The main element in the educational process is a lesson, when developing a plan for which students need to think through a method and form of work in order to develop students' mental abilities, interest in the learning process. Students developed their lessons specifically for testing in the course of practical training. When planning the lesson, students relied on the main key ideas: differentiated learning, critical thinking learning, assessment for learning and learning assessment, teaching talented and gifted children, information and communication technologies, taking into account age-specific features, new approaches to education.


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