The track and field athletics run devoted to Y. Altynsarin's memory

On October 4, 2017In the regional center the track and field athletics run devoted to Y. Altynsarin's memory of the great Kazakh educator took place. This track and field athletics tournament became a good tradition of the Kostanay region – a lot of years the athletes from all area and not only participates in this tournament.

The main distances in a track and field athletics running were: a distance on 2 km, on 6 km and on 20 km. Students of the Kostanay state teacher training college of specialty "Physical culture and sport" participated in a running on 20 km. The running on 20 km was held from the mausoleum of Ybray Altynsarin which this year was restored and took a new form, and the finish was in the downtown of Kostanay, near a monument to the educator. The student 3 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" the Master of Sports in cross-country skiing of Boots Nail who showed result 1 hour 11 minutes and 50 seconds was the first on the finish. We congratulate the winner!



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