Diary of Sports and Games for teachers and staff

During the winter holidays of students, from January 8 to January 13, a training and educational center for physical training of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism hosts a Universiade among teachers and staff of the Institute.

The program includes sports competitions in chess, checkers, tozyz-құmalāқu, tennis, asyқ-ata, volleyball, darts, mini football and cross-country skiing. Participation in competitions involves both individual participation and teamwork.

On the first day of the Spartakiad on January 8 there were competitions in checkers. Teachers of the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences took an active part.

The active participants in the checkers competition are the teachers of the philological faculty, who this year brought high places in the treasury of their team.

Among women, the seats were distributed as follows:

  • 1 place - Amrenova K.Z. -Archivist of the documentation support department;
  • 2 nd place - Iskakova Sh.K. senior lecturer of the Kazakh language and literature department;
  • 3 place - Kanapina B.T. senior lecturer of the Kazakh language and literature department;

Among the men, the places were distributed as follows:

  • 1 st place - Demisenov BN - Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and General Technical Sciences;
  • 2 place-Zhigitov A.B. senior lecturer of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines;
  • 3 place - Aikadamov A.B. senior lecturer of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines.

However, in terms of the number of points scored, the team place is left for the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism.


Next two days

Next two days of competitions (January 9, 10) was held under the aegis of intellectual games. On this day competitions were held on chess and tozyz-Yamalahu. A large number of those wishing, unfortunately, were not observed in these sports, but this did not reduce the intensity of passions among the participants. For a long time, Amrenova Kambat, a representative of the administration, kept leadership in intellectual sports. However, this year the palm of the championship passed to the representatives of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty. The teachers of the Faculty of Philology are consistently good. And of course in the intellectual games among men the leading positions are occupied by the teachers of the natural-mathematical faculty.

The places in the chess competitions were distributed:


  • 1 st place - Bolgarina B.K. laboratory assistant of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education;
  • 2 nd place - Amrenova K.Z. -Archivist of the documentation support department;
  • 3 place - Iskakova Sh.K. senior lecturer of the Kazakh language and literature department of the Philological Faculty


  • 1 place - Kakashev K.T. - Senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism;
  • 2 nd place - Tulegenov А.B. head of the educational and training center of physical education
  • 3rd place - Kaliev D.D. - Teacher of the Department of Pedagogy of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty.


Day four

Day four turned out to be the most intense. On January 11 there were competitions on asyat-atu, darts and volleyball. In the competitions on asyat-atu, darts, the natural-mathematical faculty, the psychology-pedagogical faculty, the social-humanitarian faculty, the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism and the administration took an active part.

Asyatu is a fascinating national game of Kazakhs. The main object in the game is asy. Competitions on the asyat-atu were held at the ski center of KSPI. The essence of the competition is to recruit the highest score. To do this, it is necessary to get into the highest number of times from the three positions of the asyas and to beat out the maximum number of points.

Winners in this competition among women were:

  • 1 place - referent of the dean's office of the social and humanitarian faculty Muratova AT
  • 2 place - assistant professor of the theory and practice of physical culture, sport and tourism Ibraeva R.Zh.
  • 3 rd place - associate professor of preschool and primary education Baizhanova SA

Winners in this competition among men were:

  • 1 place - the master of industrial training of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines Megilbaev Т.S
  • 2 nd place - the head of the workshops of the department of physical, mathematical and general technical disciplines Aikadamov А.B.
  • 3 rd place - the head of the educational and educational center of physical education Tulegenov AB

According to the results of the competition (according to the scores of the total points), the team place is left for the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism

At the same time on the other site came competitions on darts. The essence of this competition is to get into the target and score more points. Participants were given three trial attempts, then they had to score more attempts with six attempts.

As a result of the competition among women, the results were as follows:

  • 1 place - the senior lecturer of chair of the theory and practice of physical training, sports and tourism Ibraeva R.Zh.
  • 2 place - senior lecturer of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Khasenova Zh.O.
  • 3 place - Akhmetova A.S. laboratory assistant of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines.

According to the results of the competition among men, the results were distributed as follows:

  • 1 place - teacher of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Amasov A.R.
  • 2 place - senior lecturer of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines Zhigitov A.B.
  • 3 place - Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Sivokhin I.P.


One of the most spectacular sports are team sports, including volleyball.

On January 11, volleyball competitions were held in the sports hall #2. Five teams took part in the competitions: the teams of the natural-mathematical faculty, the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism, the social-humanitarian faculty, the psychology-pedagogical faculty and the administration team. The first games were won by the team of the faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism and the administration team. Then the team of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism and psychology-pedagogical faculty met on the results of two rounds the team of the faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism won.

The teams of the administration and the team of the faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism came to the finals. Teams on the level were equal, but in a persistent and sustained struggle the victory was won by the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism.





















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