Participation of FFKSaT teachers in the "Day of Science"

On February 3, 2018, the Day of Science was held in the School-Lyceum # 2 of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay.

For the first time in many years, the conference announced the "Healthy Lifestyle" section. and the students showed interest in writing reports on this area. This section was headed by the senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of the FSSiT, Volkov S.V., as the chairman of the jury.

8 lecturers - senior students, teachers of physical culture, director and head teacher of "School-Lyceum № 2" took part in the work of the section.

Aliev Yusur, a pupil of the 4th "B" class, became the owner of the nomination "The youngest researcher" with a report on the topic "Hardening as a means of counteracting an organism to external influences of an unfavorable environment".

"For the depth of disclosure by the author of the selected field of research" was awarded a diploma - a student of 9 "G" class Im Angelina.

Sofia Tutberidze, a pupil of 8 "B" class, with the report "The influence of basketball on the human body" won in the nomination "For the organization of the problem and its solution".

In the preparation of the section "Healthy Lifestyle", the students of the 3rd course of the FFKSaT: Popilyachenko Milena and Erezhepov Zhanat took part.

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