Competitions on asyku, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the 4-fold champion of the RK Akhmetov Mukhtar

On February 17, 2017, in the sports hall №. 2 of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, scheduled competitions were held on the asyk atu devoted to the 60th anniversary of the 4-time champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akhmetov Mukhtar.

The purpose of this tournament is to inculcate a sense of patriotism among the students of the KSPI and popularize the asyk atu among the youth.

Kakashev Karshal Tulegenovich - the senior teacher of the chair of the Theory and practice of physical culture, sports and tourism of the faculty of physical culture, acted as the organizer.

The competition was attended by athletes of the city of Rudny, Kostanai region, Altynsarinsky region, Fedorovsky region, Lisakovsk, Taranovskiy region, Sarykol region, including students of KSPI. In total, more than 34 sportsmen took part in the tournament.

As a result of the competition, the seats were distributed as follows:among men, the seats were occupied by:

  • 1 place - Kozhakhmetov Olzhas, Rudny.
  • 2 place - Abdimuratov Medet of Rudny.
  • 3 place - Kabzhanov Bekzhan, Rudny

Among women:

  • 1 place -Aliyeva Mariyam, Rudny
  • 2 place - Sultanova Zhanar Altynsarinsky region
  • 3 place - Fear Maria Sarykolsky region

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