Nauryz at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

January 16 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was celebrated Nauryz. The event was held in the sports hall №2 and №1. In the organization and carrying out of the event, students of 1,2,3 courses participated. As spectators and participants, students from other faculties took part. A ceremonial event dedicated to Nauryz, Gulvira Aidarkhanovna Musabekova, vice-rector for academic work and social issues, was opened. It was noted that this event is symbolic, since it is already held in the walls of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University. Also, Gulvira Aidarkhanovna opened student competitions by dropping the first asiс.

On each course a team was organized which took part in national games: "Asyс atu", "Togyz kumalak", "Arсan tartu". In the other hall there were demonstration performances in the glacier, where the students showed the skills of conquering the climbing wall. The students of the specialty "Tourism", "Physical Culture and Sport" and one student of the specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing" took part. Also in the hall number 1 were demonstration battles for the fight Cossack kuresi. The students demonstrated their skills in the struggle and, following the results, the winners were revealed.
As a result of the competition, students were awarded diplomas. The wrestlers were given a cup for 1 place, and for the prize places the students received monetary incentives from the sponsor Sh. K. Nurgaliev.

The event was distinguished by its mass character and color.




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