"The Strong Way of the Winners"

From 26 to 30 April 2018 Petropavlovsk hosted the Republic championship on parapauerlifting. The combined team of the Kostanay region on steam powerlifting successfully completed its performance. At the match Kostanay region in the national team was represented by Kabyl Tursunay, the first year student of specialty PEaS. The young athlete managed to show a good result in this championship:

  • 1st place among juniors;
  • 2nd place among women.

Tursunay herself commented the past match this way:

"The event was held at high level, I managed to snatch victory among juniors! Before the competitions there was a discomfiture, a nerve, and because of this it was not possible to show all its capabilities! But nevertheless, the result obtained brought me 1 and 2 places, which is very good! The next major championship will be held in August in Almaty, there will be playing licenses for the world championships, I look forward to it!"

We wish Tursunay great success in studies and the upcoming examination session! After all, the students of the faculty have to work doubly: protecting the honor of the region and republic in competitions and at the same time working on the educational front!

Кабыл Турсунай

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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