Students of the 1st course of specialty "Physical culture and sport" have helped the famous carting coach Eduard Knyaginin

On January 16, 2017 students of the 1st course of specialty "Physical culture and sport", within the social project, have organized the help to the Kostanay coach, famous in the past, on carting Knyaginina Eduard Aleksandrovich. Eduard Aleksanrovich entering a 10-ka of the best motocross of the USSR the founder of the Kostanay motor club "Whirlwind", is in very difficult situation now. (is more detailed about his destiny and it is possible to be will examine according to these references

Students of faculty have helped Eduard Aleksandrovich about the house, have touched and have chopped firewood for the winter, left small humanitarian aid. Here such small kind acts also do our life brighter and better!


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You are here: Home News Faculties news News of Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism Students of the 1st course of specialty "Physical culture and sport" have helped the famous carting coach Eduard Knyaginin