Meeting with sports faculty veterans

September 1 in Kostanay State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism held a meeting with veterans of the Faculty of Physical Education, graduates of the faculty.

This meeting was organized by Egorova Anna Moiseyevna, Senior Teacher of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, on the occasion of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of veterans of the Faculty of Zotova Lydia Dmitrievna.

Zotova Lydia Dmitrievna worked at the Faculty of Physical Culture for most of her life. She was one of the first teachers at the faculty of physical culture with a special physical education. She worked as a teacher, a senior teacher, for a long time worked as head of the department of physical education.

At the meeting with Lidia Dmitrievna graduates of different years, who studied with her or worked under her supervision gathered. In total there were over 30 graduates at the meeting. Among the graduates were former teachers who worked for a long time with Lidia Dmitrievna Asrankulova A.M., Sinitsyn N.I., Teterin V.V., Kim N., Korzhikov P.N., Fomenko N.V., Evdokimov G.I. , Porubov G.N.

But more at the meeting was of course the former students of the current teachers, coaches, masters of sports, directors of public associations, but most of them are now retired Tashlykov V.S., Kovsh V.I., Sukhinin P.P., Sukhinina N.A., Prodan V.M., Chebanyi A., I., Bolenko N.V., Kaigorodov V.I., Chernushka A.P., Bageev A., Sergazin M., Abilkasymov M.U., Baizhanov S.Zh., Smolyanyi V A.A., Podkorytov V.A., Kustavletov B.A.

The meeting was held in a friendly warm atmosphere, there were many memories, warm words. Lydia Dmitrievna read her poems, which provoked success among all those gathered. The moderator of the meeting was Deputy Dean of the Faculty Shkvarenko Nikita Sergeevich.


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