Meeting with a graduate faculty of physical culture Karataev Alexander

On November 6, was held a meeting at the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism with a graduate of the sports faculty, Karatayev A.V. The meeting was attended by 3-year students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport" and 1-year students of the specialty "Tourism", Dean of the faculty of PESaT Kifik N.Y., head of the local lore club, dean of the faculty of additional and distance education Samarkin S.V., chairman of department of T&PFKSiT Ogienko N.A., lecturer of the department TiPFKSiT I. Gurskaya.

Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the interesting life and activities of their comrade-in-arms, retired lieutenant colonel of the National Security Committee, scholar, local historian, writer, poet. The topic of the meeting was "Do not be afraid of changes". During the meeting, Alexander Vasilyevich tried to convey to the students the idea that one should not be afraid to do something new, we must constantly grow and develop. This he showed by his own example. He graduated from the Faculty of Sports in the 70s, enrolling in it after serving in the army. During the period of study at the university, he met wonderful teachers who influenced his further teaching activities, among them Zotova L.G., Marcos I. B., Biktasheva G.Sh., Egorova A.M. During the period of study, the group in which Karataev A.V. became the winner of soc. competitions for study, took first place in the competition of amateur, destroying all the stereotypes about the athletes. After graduation, he worked in a school in the town of Zhytkikar, then in a sports school for children in Karasu district, then he moved along the Komsomol and party lines. A little later he was invited to the KGB (now the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan). He led the antiterrorist group in Kostanay.

Alexander Vasilyevich throughout his life was engaged in writing. His first book, which he released is called “Agent 008”, where he spoke about his CNS system. Later the book “The History of Kostanay Security until the 21st Century” was published, where he describes the history of special services for 100 years. The book is of historical interest as well as practical, describing the experience of working in the security service. Furthermore the Karataev A.The. He is the author of quatrains (quatrains), he wrote more than 230 such quatrains.
Another area of ​​his work is the creation of the museum of the National Security Committee in Kostanay. In this way, students could be convinced that they really do not need to be afraid of change, they just need to be conscientious about their work, be a creative, active and caring person.

At the end of the meeting, students had the opportunity to ask questions to Alexander Ivanovich.


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