Holding an exhibition of Erasmus + program projects in Kazakhstan

Kostanay State Pedagogical University represented by the rector Ye.B.A. and Kifik N.Yu. Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism participated in the exhibition of the projects of the Erasmus + program together with KSU. Ch.Valikhanov (Kokshetau) and Kokshetau University. A.Myrzahmetova. At the exhibition, we presented the joint work done on the ACADEMICA project. All materials that were developed over the course of three years during this project were presented. This was how Compendium ACADEMICA was introduced, developed in two languages ​​in Russian and English; also interim project reports in two languages; presentations of electronic courses within the project; modernized syllabus, electronic course for teachers; project brochures; nine information letters reflecting the main stages of the project activities.

For the exhibition Kokshetau University. A.Myrzahmetova developed infographics and video on the project. Kostanay State Pedagogical University designed and printed posters for the project. A presentation and presentation on the work and togas of the ACADEMICA project was also prepared.

The exhibition was organized by the National Office of the Erasmus + program in Kazakhstan in conjunction with the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Council of Rectors of the Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Delegation of the European Union to Kazakhstan Information Days of the Erasmus + Program.

During the exhibition, informational days were held on the Erasmus + program, where representatives of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and other interested organizations could familiarize themselves with information on the requirements of the Erasmus + Fifth Call for Proposals, the selection procedure, national and regional priorities, and also give practical advice to those who want to participate in the Erasmus + events (Actions “Increasing the potential of higher education - VELP”, “International credit mobility - MKM”, “Jean Monnet”). Sessions on project coordination and preparation for monitoring will be held for participants in current projects. Separate sessions will be organized for students and undergraduates about the possibilities of the program "Joint Master Degrees Erasmus Mundus."

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