Meeting with representatives of Caspian Academy

At the end of November, took place the scheduled meeting of Caspian Academy General Director Kamran Aliyev with students of the specialties of Tourism, Physical Education and Sport and Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages ​​regarding internships in Turkey in the luxury hotels of Antalya.

Kamran Aliyev presented the avenues for the luxury hotels in Antalya. He told what is included in the internship program in Turkey, what are the living conditions, working conditions. What are the additional opportunities for staying in the Turkish Republic? During May-October, students can work in different positions in luxury hotels in Antalya, receiving wages and of course invaluable experience in the service sector.

The meeting was attended by students who have already completed a six-month internship in luxury hotels in Turkey and they shared their work experience, leisure, and opportunities that they could get while in the Turkish Republic.
The prerequisites for this internship are good study, the possibility of a timely surrender of the session and the possibility of distance learning during September-October. Another prerequisite for internships is proficiency in foreign languages, this knowledge will allow students to get a job in more advantageous positions and, accordingly, more favorable salary.

Following the meeting, more than forty university students expressed a desire to undergo an internship in Turkey.

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