Tourism Olympiad

From 28 to 29 November within the framework of the tourist festival "Europe-Asia" at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism was held the subject Olympiad. The participants was students of the specialty "Tourism" and the invited team of the University "Turan" (Almaty).

The goal was to improve the educational and extracurricular work of students, the development of their creative abilities and enhance scientific activity, as well as create the conditions for the disclosure of professional and personal potential and self-realization.
The coordinator of the Olympiad was Ogienko N.A., the head of the TPPES department. In the organization of this event were also involved the members of the department of TPPES - Ogienko I.V., Malshakova V.V., Gurskaya I.F., Pletneva A.G., Shkvarenko N.S., Bekturganov D.B., as well as students 4 courses.

Applications for participation in the competition submitted 5 teams.
Participating teams: 1. "Turan", 2. "Sun", 3. "Dream Team", 4. "Valentina team", 5. "Erlan team"

The main criterion for admission of the team to the Olympiad was the presence of 4 people in the team (2 boys + 2 girls) and a leader. All students not involved in the Olympiad were involved as organizers and spectators.

The subject Olympiad consisted of 2 components: 1 tour - theoretical and practical, held in the classrooms of the faculty; Practical 2 round - held in the gym #1.
In the theoretical and practical part of the Olympiad, the contestants showed knowledge in building a team, knowledge of the countries of near and far abroad, sights of Kazakhstan. Also in the theoretical part was attended by team leaders for whom separate tasks were drawn up. They showed a fairly high level of knowledge in subjects.

The contestants showed their abilities in the English language, the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances, impromptu accompany the display of sightseeing objects with a story.

They creatively approached the tasks of serving and decorating the rooms, taking into account the specifics of the order, the culture of customer service in the hotel and restaurant business. In the practical part of the subject Olympiad, competitors competed in the technique of sports tourism and climbing, provide first aid and ensure the safety of tourists, and compile route documentation. The winners were deservedly awarded diplomas and rector prizes.

The team "Turan" (Almaty) proved itself very well in solving some tasks, their leader took the 1st place.

According to the results of the same 2 rounds of the Olympiad, the team of 4th year student Orlov Anton took the 1st place. “Dream Team” in the composition of Denis Rakhmaev (1 course), Alipov Dias (1 course), Sheludko Evgenia (1 course), Alina Kucherbaeva (1 course).

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