Holding a round table at PESaT faculty with the head of the department from Magnitogorsk

On February 14, was held a round table at the Faculty of Physical education, sport and Tourism on the topic “Issues of interaction and cooperation between KSPU and MGTU named G.I.Nosov on the implementation of joint projects and scientific research ".

The participants of the round table were the teachers of the department of TaPoPESaT, the educational center of physical training, the teachers of the department of natural sciences, head of department of Magnitigorsk State Technical University named I.G. Nosov (Magnitogorsk Russia) Tsapov E.G.

The moderator of the round table was the dean of the faculty Kifik N. Yu.,she presented all the participants of the round table and outlined the main key issues for discussion.

All those present were interested in the question, which was presented by Tsapov Evgeny Gennadyevich – candidate of biological sciences, head ofthe department of Physical Culture of MSTU (Magnitogorsk Russia) - on the characteristics of the main problems included in the study at MSTU.

Ogienko Nadezhda Anatolievna – candidate of pedagogical sciences., head of the department of TaPoPESaT represented the capabilities of the faculty of PEsAT and department of TaPoPESaT in the implementation of research activities.

Teachers of the faculty Shilov Igor Alekseevich, Tulegenov Amanzhol Bakhytzhanovich talked about the possibility of the participation of the teaching and student staff in organizing research in the physiology of sports. Points of contact were found on a number of issues of interest to teachers.

To organize and conduct the planned work it is necessary:

  1. Make a joint schedule of research work;
  2. Prepare a joint program for the organization of research work, which will include:
  • the possibility of conducting research on the physiological aspects of athletes of different specializations;
  • comparison of the results of the physiological characteristics of athletes of one specialization in the universities of KSPU and MSTU;
  • determination of the possibility of conducting a biochemical analysis of athletes.
  • writing joint articles, methodical recommendations based on the results of the research (articles, recommendations in the KSPI Bulletin, in Russian editions).
  • joint development and participation in projects on the physiological characteristics of athletes of different specializations (conducting a comparative analysis).
  • the possibility of joint development (or participation) of a project for the preparation of methods for working with athletes with special educational opportunities based on physiological indications.

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