Guest lectures on the basics of entrepreneurship, organized by faculty of the PCS&T

On October 22, 2019, on the basis of U. Sultangazin KSPU in the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and NPP Atameken to teach 3-4-year students under the program “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, a “guest lecture” was held with a young entrepreneur, a graduate “Zhas kusipker” program - by Abenov Kalikhan and Consultant for Project Support at RPM “Atameken” Ishanov Ruslan.

The lecture was organized by the teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture of Sports and Tourism: Ogienko N.A., Bekmukhambetova L.S. and Malshakova V.V., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Baimaganbetova BB and coordinator of the course "Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship" at universities Petrov Ilya Sergeevich. Participants: students of the Faculty of Physical Culture of Sports and Tourism and the Faculty of Natural Mathematics. The total number of students was 120 people.

The young entrepreneur Kalikhan told students about the role of youth in the formation of entrepreneurship and the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respectively, about the limitless opportunities in this area. He also shared his experience in organizing and establishing his business, spoke about mistakes and ways to solve them. With his success story, Kalihan tried to motivate the younger generation to develop their entrepreneurial skills.

Ruslan Amanzholovich held a session on the role and importance of marketing research in shaping business ideas, and also told students which competitive programs aimed at developing business are currently being implemented by Atameken NPP, and informed about the conditions for participation in these programs.

Students showed interest in the programs implemented by Atameken NPP, asked questions about the opportunities and the most relevant areas for business in the Kostanai region.

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