“An open lesson on the history of physical culture and the Olympic movement”

November 1, teacher of the department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism D. Zhumekenova held an open lesson on the history of physical culture and sports at the 3rd course among students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports". The lesson was held in an interactive form - "Own game." The goal of the open lesson was to deepen students' knowledge of the discipline under study and to arouse interest in independent study of the discipline.

Students were divided into teams, each of which presented their chosen historical period (the period of antiquity, the period of the Middle Ages, new and modern times). Students prepared videos about the origin and development of physical culture and sports in different time periods, identified the main distinguishing features of the formation of a culture of physical education in the world.

For example, according to the jury, the information on the rock paintings found in France from the Paleolithic period, which depicted a semblance of a struggle and a marathon, became interesting. The students were also genuinely interested in the history of the revival of the traditions of the Olympic Games by the French baron Pierre de Coubertin.

The second stage of the open lesson was the contest "Own game", in which the teams took turns choosing questions with a face value of 10.20 and 30 points on the history of domestic and international sports.

All students were unanimous in one thing - the event was well organized, it was interesting for students to participate and demonstrate their knowledge.

All participants of the event were awarded with diplomas.



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