Defense of student business projects at the faculty of physical education, sports and tourism

22 11 2019 2

Based on the results of the courses on the formation of entrepreneurial skills, students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism and students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences organized the defense of projects developed by students on November 21-22, 2019. Students defended projects in which they presented their ideas for organizing and running their own business. The scientific supervisors of the student projects were N. Ogienko, head of the department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. Sports and Tourism, Malshakova V.V. and Bekmukhambetova L.S. teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. sports and tourism. The commission for the protection of student projects included: the head of the apparatus of the KSPU Bekmagambetov R.K., dean of the PESaT faculty Kifik N.Yu., dean of the EMF Shumeyko TS, deputy dean of the PESaT Shkvarenko N.S. On the first day were heard 12 projects. Topics were very diverse, and not always meet the specifics of the specialty.

  • Opening of a sports gym with suspended structures “VIta” (4th year student PESaT faculty Navalova V.);
  • Opening of the Digital Literacy Education Center «Mirai». (4th year students, specialties in computer science: Bayekenov Sauat, Orymbaev Torekhan, Satenov Murat, Seit Gaukhar and Shalbaeva Rosa);
  • Opening of the agency “Proposal of a marriage” (4th year student of the specialty “Tourism” Kaukina Zhaniya);
  • Project on the theme: Accompanying a forest forester for a photohunt (Akimbek Aisha, 3rd year student of the specialty “Tourism”);
  • Opening of the massage salon "Aquamarine (3rd year student of the specialty" Physical Culture and Sports "Gritsay E.);
  • Project on the topic “Hire of balls of spheres (bumperball)”

(3rd year student of the specialty "Tourism" Kaztaev.E, P);

  • A project on the topic: “Production of souvenirs and jewelry in the national style” (3rd year student of the specialty “Tourism”, Toxeytova Zh.);
  • Organization of work and operation of the Climbing wall (3rd year student of the specialty "Tourism" Zhunis Samat);
  • Organization of copyright tours (3rd year student of the specialty "Tourism" Kobdikova M.);
  • Opening of the Delish company for the delivery of complex lunches to the office (3 year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" A. Siverin);
  • Horse rental on the basis of the "Golden Pheasant" 3rd year student of the specialty "Tourism" Abdrakhmanov T.);
  • The provision of entertainment services of Zorbing in the framework of inbound tourism ”(3rd year student of the specialty“ Tourism ”Khamatnurov Vladislav)

On the second day of November 22, more than 30 projects were heard, the topics were even more diverse, and students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences proposed projects related to the organization of physical therapy centers, and students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" (Pastushenko M., Rusakov V. ) proposed projects related to the opening of a gaming computer salon.

Of particular interest were projects that already had real soil under them. So students of the specialty "Informatics" proposed a project to open a computer workshop with a demonstration of the repair process through You Tube. Students created this project based on experience in a similar workshop.

Work on creating their own business projects was aimed at developing students' entrepreneurial skills and business fundamentals related not only to their field of activity, but also to completely different types of activity.

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