Open lecture of the Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor Berezhnova Yelena

Within the Cooperation agreement Yelena Viktorovna continuous in KSPI of a meeting with teachers and students, participates in scientific conferences, seminars, and gives lectures.

On January 23, 2018 for teachers of higher education institution the department of pedagogic organized a lecture on the subject "Problems of Modern Content of Education".  

At a lecture questions of humanistic orientation of education and determination of his content and also levels and the principles of forming of content of education were opened, the scientific research devoted to this problem was provided.

Besides education humanitarian methods were characterized: building in the content of formation of knowledge of the person, mankind and humanity, allocation of humanitarian aspect of all subjects, improvement of quality of teaching humanitarian objects, overcoming scientist approach in teaching, a humanization of not humanitarian objects.

The lecturer paid special attention on the principles of forming of content of education: compliances of contents in all his elements and at all levels of his designing to overall objectives of modern education; accounting of unity of the informative and procedural parties of training; structural unity of content of education at the different levels of his forming at the movement from the general to more private and specific forms.

The lecture had not only information character, but stimulated teachers to assessment of conceptual positions in selection of content of education in RK.





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