Department Week of preschool and primary education

The chair of preschool and primary education held methodical week from 2.04.2018 till 6.04.2018.

During the week of the Department students and teachers of the Department took part in the following events:

The opening of the week of the Department began with a traditional exhibition of creative student work.

The exhibition was presented creative work of students of preschool education and pedagogy and methodology of elementary education.

All creative work in the arts and crafts the students have made with their own hands. Students chose urban and rural landscapes, sketches of animals, sketches of flowers as themes for their works.

Also, students took part in the event dedicated to the international children's book Day "Once in the library", organized by the staff of the library named after Y.Altynsarin.

As part of this event, the review meeting "Children's book: yesterday, today, tomorrow" and the concert "Constellation of readers"were held.

The main purpose of this holiday was the formation of students ' needs for books, reading, spiritual and intellectual growth, self-awareness and self-education.

Students learned a lot about literary contests and prizes among talented children's writers.

The next event of the week of the Department was an Auction of methodological ideas " Learn, learn, achieve...". The competition was attended by students of 3 and 4 courses of the specialty "pedagogics and methods of primary education" and teachers of the Department of preschool and primary education

The purpose of this event was to broadcast teaching experience on the formation of intercultural communication of younger students in a multilingual environment.

The purpose of this event was to broadcast teaching experience on the formation of intercultural communication of younger students in a multilingual environment.

The presented creative works testify to rather high methodical potential of students, activity and readiness of future specialists for professional activity within the new paradigm of multilingual education.

The final event of the week of chair of preschool and primary education became a research student conference on the theme "Education as a factor of success of the individual in the vector Rouhaniganguru".

The students ' reports were devoted to topical problems of improving the content and organization of preschool and primary education in the light of the main directions of the state program, Rouhaniganguro.

The discussion of the reports took the form of free communication and was active and impartial.

By the decision of the jury, taking into account the opinion of the conference participants, students who made presentations were awarded certificates.




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